
Hive FAQ: Answers to common questions on Hive on Azure HDInsight

Use the Hive FAQ for answers to common Hive questions on Hive on Azure HDInsight platform.

How do I export Hive metastore and import it on another HDInsight cluster?

Where are the Hive logs on HDInsight cluster?

How do I launch Hive shell with specific configurations on HDInsight cluster?

How do I download Tez Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data from HDInsight cluster?

How do I analyze Tez Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) critical path on HDInsight cluster?

Why is my reducer extremely slow?

Why does Ambari Tez View load very slowly?

Why does Tez application hang?

Why is hive not able to connect?

Why do I see ‘permission denied’ when attempting to create a table in Secure Hive?

Why do some joins in Hive give an Out of Memory error?

Why are my LLAP queries running slow?

Why does the Hive Zeppelin Interpreter give a Zookeeper error?

Why is the Hive View inaccessible due to Zookeeper Issues?

Why does my query fail in Hive View without any details?

Why does the Hive view time out when fetching a query result?