
How do I download Tez Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data from HDInsight cluster?


Need to download Tez DAG information from HDInsight cluster

Resolution Steps:

There are two ways to collect the Tez DAG data.

1) From commandline:

1.1) Connect to the HDInsight cluster with a Secure Shell (SSH) client (check Further Reading section below).

1.2) Run the following command at the command prompt:

    hadoop jar /usr/hdp/current/tez-client/tez-history-parser-*.jar org.apache.tez.history.ATSImportTool -downloadDir . -dagId <DagId> 

2) From Ambari Tez view:

Go to Ambari –> Go to Tez view (hidden under tiles icon in upper right corner) –> Click on the dag you are interested in –> Click on Download data.

Further Reading:

1) Connect to HDInsight Cluster using SSH