
How do I download Yarn logs from HDInsight cluster?


Need to download Yarn application master and other container logs from HDInsight cluster.

Resolution Steps:

1) Connect to the HDInsight cluster with an Secure Shell (SSH) client (check Further Reading section below).

2) List all the application ids of the currently running Yarn applications with the following command:

yarn top

Note the application id from the APPLICATIONID column whose logs are to be downloaded.

YARN top - 18:00:07, up 19d, 0:14, 0 active users, queue(s): root
NodeManager(s): 4 total, 4 active, 0 unhealthy, 0 decommissioned, 0 lost, 0 rebooted
Queue(s) Applications: 2 running, 10 submitted, 0 pending, 8 completed, 0 killed, 0 failed
Queue(s) Mem(GB): 97 available, 3 allocated, 0 pending, 0 reserved
Queue(s) VCores: 58 available, 2 allocated, 0 pending, 0 reserved
Queue(s) Containers: 2 allocated, 0 pending, 0 reserved

 application_1490377567345_0007 hive            spark  thriftsvr       1       0       1       0      1G      0G    1628407    2442611  10.00   18:20:20 Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server
 application_1490377567345_0006 hive            spark  thriftsvr       1       0       1       0      1G      0G    1628430    2442645  10.00   18:20:20 Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server

3) Download Yarn containers logs for all application masters with the following command:

yarn logs -applicationId <application_id> -am ALL > amlogs.txt

This will create the log file named amlogs.txt in text format.

4) Download Yarn container logs for only the latest application master with the following command:

yarn logs -applicationId <application_id> -am -1 > latestamlogs.txt

This will create the log file named latestamlogs.txt in text format.

5) Download YARN container logs for first two application masters with the following command:

yarn logs -applicationId <application_id> -am 1,2 > first2amlogs.txt 

This will create the log file named first2amlogs.txt in text format.

6) Download all Yarn container logs with the following command:

yarn logs -applicationId <application_id> > logs.txt

This will create the log file named logs.txt in text format.

7) Download yarn container log for a particular container with the following command:

yarn logs -applicationId <application_id> -containerId <container_id> > containerlogs.txt 

This will create the log file named containerlogs.txt in text format.

Further Readings:

1) Connect to HDInsight Cluster using SSH

2) Apache Hadoop Yarn concepts and applications