
What is the deployment topology of HDInsight Storm cluster?


Identify all components that are installed with HDInsight Storm.

Storm cluster comprises of 4 node categories 1) Gateway 2) Head nodes 3) Zookeeper nodes 4) Worker nodes

Gateway nodes

Is an gateway and reverse proxy service that enables public access to active Ambari management service, handles Ambari Leader election.

Zookeeper Nodes

HDInsight comes with a 3 node Zookeeper quorum. The quorum size is fixed, and is not configurable.

Storm services in the cluster are configured to use the ZK quorum automatically.

Head Nodes

Storm head nodes run the following services: 1) Nimbus 2) Ambari server 3) Ambari Metrics Server 4) Ambari Metrics collector

Worker Nodes

Storm worker nodes run the following services: 1) Supervisor 2) Worker JVMs for running topologies 3) Ambari Agent