
How can I setup OMS for Kafka?

Setup via HDInsight Script Action

1) Custom action script to install & configure OMS for Kafka are located Storm. 2) Navigate to the cluster page on the Azure Management portal. 3) Select “Custom Action scripts” 4) Provide the script from Step #1 as the script path. 5) Parameters = . The workspace id and primary key can be obtained from the OMS Management page. (OMS Management Page > Settings > Connected sources > Linux servers) 6) Execute the script on the head nodes and worker nodes. 7) Once the script execution completes, wait for about ~20 minutes for data to be collected. 8) Logon to OMS management portal and you should see data flowing in.

Note for old clusters (created before 11/15/2016): Kafka exposes JMX metrics on port 9999. However, for Hdinsight clusters created before 11/15/2016, this is not the case. For these old clusters, please logon to Ambari, and add the following to live advanced-kafka-env: export JMX_PORT=${JMX_PORT:-9999} You may need to restart kafka brokers after this for it to take effect.

Querying/Visualizing OMS Data

Navigate to OMS Portal > Log Search.

Here are some sample queries you can do:

  1. View all metrics Type * into log search. This will show you all types ingested into OMS. For the moment we capture the below entries:
Tables Details
log_kafkaserver_CL Kafka broker’s server.log file
log_kafkacontroller_CL Kafka broker’s controller.log file
kafkametrics_CL Kafka JMX metrics
  1. Disk Usage:
    Type=Perf ObjectName="Logical Disk" (CounterName="Free Megabytes")  InstanceName="_Total" Computer='hn*-*' or Computer='wn*-*' 
    | measure avg(CounterValue) by   Computer interval 1HOUR
  2. CPU Usage:
    Type:Perf CounterName="% Processor Time" InstanceName="_Total" Computer='hn*-*' or Computer='wn*-*' 
    | measure avg(CounterValue) by Computer interval 1HOUR
  3. Incoming Messages per second:
    Type=kafkametrics_CL ClusterName_s="kafkaomstest3" InstanceName_s="kafka-BrokerTopicMetrics-MessagesInPerSec-Count" 
    | measure avg(kafka_BrokerTopicMetrics_MessagesInPerSec_Count_value_d) by HostName_s interval 1HOUR
  4. Incoming Bytes per second:
    Type=kafkametrics_CL HostName_s="wn0-kafkao" InstanceName_s="kafka-BrokerTopicMetrics-BytesInPerSec-Count"  
    | measure avg(kafka_BrokerTopicMetrics_BytesInPerSec_Count_value_d) interval 1HOUR
  5. Outgoing Bytes per second:
    Type=kafkametrics_CL ClusterName_s="kafkaomstest3" InstanceName_s="kafka-BrokerTopicMetrics-BytesOutPerSec-Count" 
    | measure avg(kafka-BrokerTopicMetrics-BytesOutPerSec-Count_value_d) interval 1HOUR