
Turn on WASB debug log for file operations


There are times when we are investigating issues we want to understand what operations the WASB driver initiated with Azure Storage. The Azure Storage server side analytics logs can be enabled according to this doc: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/enabling-storage-logging-and-accessing-log-data

For the client side, the WASB driver produce logs for each file system operation at DEBUG level. WASB driver uses log4j to control logging level and the default is INFO level. To enable debug logs, in general you need to do 2 things:

1) set level to DEBUG to the per class logger: 
2) set log level to DEBUG for one of the active appenders.

Note that you can enable debug log for more class if you are interested in those classes. But the NativeAzureFileSystem is producing the basic file system operations like create, delete or rename. Which is usually enough for debugging purpose.

This is an example log produced:

18/05/13 04:15:55 DEBUG NativeAzureFileSystem: Moving wasb://xxx@yyy.blob.core.windows.net/user/livy/ulysses.txt/_temporary/0/_temporary/attempt_20180513041552_0000_m_000000_0/part-00000 to wasb://xxx@yyy.blob.core.windows.net/user/livy/ulysses.txt/part-00000

Specific instructions

HDInsight Spark cluster:

For HDInsight Spark cluster, you can turn on DEBUG log with these steps:

1) In Ambari UI, click on "Spark2" on the left panel, then click on "Configs" on the right panel.
2) Use "log4j" as the filter to narrow down configurations
3) In "advanced spark2-log4j-properties" and "advanced livy-log4j-properties" configuration,
  modify property:
  add property:

The above logs should provide high level understanding of the file system operations. If the above logs are still not providing useful information, or if we want to investigate blob storage api calls, add fs.azure.storage.client.logging=true to the core-site. This will enable the java sdk logs for wasb storage driver and will print each call to blob storage server. Caution: Please do remove the setting after investigations because it could fill up the disk very fast and could slow down the process.

If the backend is AzureDataLake based, then use the following log4j setting for the component(eg. spark/tez/hdfs). Look for the logs in /var/log/adl/adl.log for the logs.
