
Write to WASB Failed with error self-supression not permitted


For an HDInsight cluster of any cluster type, On hn0, “hadoop fs -ls /” works, “hadoop fs -get /tmp/a.txt” works, but “hadoop fs -put /tmp/a.txt” failed with this exception:

-put: Self-supression not permitted
Usage: hadoop fs [generit options] -put [-f] [-p] [-l] <localsrc> . . . <dst>

On hn1, everything works fine.

Resolution Steps:

  1. On hn0, enable DEBUG logs in console when invoking command:
    hadoop --loglevel DEBUG fs -put b.txt /tmp

Found the last few lines of error are:

17/08/25 22:46:35 DEBUG azure.SelfThrottlingIntercept: SelfThrottlingIntercept:: ResponseReceived: threadId=1, Status=202, Elapsed(ms)=8, ETAG=null, contentLength=-1, requestMethod=DELETE
17/08/25 22:46:35 DEBUG azure.NativeAzureFileSystem: Delete Successful for : wasb://lnteccspark-2017-04-07t08-57-11-967z@landtstorageaccount1.blob.core.windows.net/tmp/b.txt._COPYING_
-put: Self-suppression not permitted

On the good node hn1, it is:

17/08/25 22:44:21 DEBUG azure.SelfThrottlingIntercept: SelfThrottlingIntercept:: ResponseReceived: threadId=1, Status=202, Elapsed(ms)=9, ETAG=null, contentLength=-1, requestMethod=DELETE
17/08/25 22:44:21 DEBUG azure.NativeAzureFileSystem: Moving wasb://lnteccspark-2017-04-07t08-57-11-967z@landtstorageaccount1.blob.core.windows.net/tmp/b.txt._COPYING_ to wasb://lnteccspark-2017-04-07t08-57-11-967z@landtstorageaccount1.blob.core.windows.net/tmp/b.txt

This indicates that the code execution path are different for hn0 and hn1.

  1. Look at hadoop-azure.jar in folder /usr/hdp//hadoop/ on both nodes and they are exactly the same.

  2. Then look at Azure Storage dependency jar: azure-storage-xxx.jar:

    $ find /usr/hdp/ -name "azure-storage*"

Now we found the culprit, somebody must have manually updated the version of this jar on hn0, causing incompatibility of hadoop-azure and azure-storage jars.