
Permissions to be set on storage container for ADLS cluster creation

When creating clusters with DataLake as primary storage, a container is configured under which all the cluster-specific files will be stored.

User specifies a root path, path from root of storage account to cluster container, for eg. ‘/A/Clusters/clustername’. If root path is ‘/A/Clusters/clustername’, ‘clustername’ is the container under which the files/folders for the cluster are placed

If root path is configured as ‘/A/Clusters/clustername’, make sure that the folder ‘/A/clusters’ exists.

Summary of permissions required:

See ADLS Access Control for detailed explanation of this setup.

See Re-use existing container for additional setup required to use an existing container.

Possible errors

Error message during cluster creation will prompt “DataLake storage account not configured properly. Please check folder permissions.” if the folder permissions are not properly setup.

Create DataLake clusters from portal Configure multiple datalake clusters in an ADLS account